Bible Affirmations for Social Unity

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Here are 16 bible affirmations for social unity…

  • I am my brother’s keeper (Genesis 4:9)
  • How good and pleasant it is to live together in unity with my brothers and sisters (Psalm 133:1)
  • I accept others just as Christ accepted me (Romans 15:7)
  • I sympathize with others.
  • I love others as brothers and sisters.
  • I am tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude towards others.
  • I don’t repay evil for evil.
  • I don’t retaliate with insults when people insult me. Instead, I pay them back with a blessing. (1 Peter 3:8-9)
  • I make it my ambition to agree wholeheartedly with others, to love others, and to work together with one mind and purpose (Philippians 2:2)
  • In this new life, it doesn’t matter if I am a Jew or a Gentile, black or white, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us. (Colossians 3:11)
  • Indeed, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there even male and female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)
  • I conduct myself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ (Philippians 1:27)
  • I make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. (Romans 14:19)
  • I bear with others and forgive any grievance. I forgive as the Lord has forgiven me. (Colossians 3:13)
  • I am a disciple of Jesus and I show it by my love for others. (John 13:35)
  • I love my brothers and sisters that I do see to show my love for God who I cannot see. (1 John 4:20)

Joel Osteen Affirmations: 25 of Joel Osteen’s Best Affirmations

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There is a reason that Joel Osteen is so popular. In a religious world that’s filled with fear and guilt motivation, Joel’s message of positivity and empowerment is a breath of fresh air that so many feel the need for.

Encourage and build up your faith with these Joel Osteen affirmations. These are 25 of Joel Osteen’s best affirmations that are either directly based on his teachings or are a paraphrase of what he has said. Continue reading “Joel Osteen Affirmations: 25 of Joel Osteen’s Best Affirmations”

7 Bible Affirmations for Healing

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Whether you are ailing physically, mentally or spiritually you can find comfort in the scriptures. You can know that God wants to heal you. He wants you to be healed.

All suffering and healing begins on a spiritual level and completes its manifestation in the physical realm. As such, no matter what you’re battling, it helps to affirm what God’s will is for you by beginning at the spiritual level.

Here are 7 bible affirmations that you can repeat several times for healing… Continue reading “7 Bible Affirmations for Healing”

25 Christian Affirmations for Success and Prosperity

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Did you know that money and financial gain is only one aspect of success and prosperity? In the scriptures we find that success and prosperity have many more attributes and even deeper roots. A more robust understanding of success and prosperity includes us growing and becoming fully mature in all areas of life – relationships, self-discipline, benevolence and stewardship, etc.

Unfortunately, a few prosperity gospel preachers have given the terms “success” and “prosperity” a bad name for many. Overreacting to these unhealthy teachings, many Christian ministers have swung the pendulum the other way and have harped on the dangers of wealth and emphasized the need to be poor…you know, like Jesus. Continue reading “25 Christian Affirmations for Success and Prosperity”

The 5 Best Christian Affirmation Videos on YouTube

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For this roundup of the 5 best Christian affirmation videos on YouTube, results are based on the first five videos that appeared in a Google search. The search was the same as the title of this article.

This was the sole criteria for the results. There is no personal bias in these results whatsoever.

Here are the videos as they appear in the Google search as of the date of this article… Continue reading “The 5 Best Christian Affirmation Videos on YouTube”

Why Am I a Christian?

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If you’re a Christian, have you every thought about why you are a Christian? Have you ever asked yourself that question – why am I a Christian?

I was having a conversation with someone I had just met. In our first video conference they noticed all the guitars hanging on the wall behind me. They commented on what a nice studio I have and then asked if I play in any bands.

That struck a nerve with me, because all my life I’ve had these insecurities about not playing in a band. Sometimes it feels like you’re not a serious musician, or a respected musician, if you’re not playing in a band of some sort. Plus, sometimes it just feels like you’re missing out on a whole lot of fun!

I scrambled for things to say. I told him how I play in a jazz duo (and wanted to add that I do so every week, just to make myself sound more legitimate). I also mentioned that I do a lot of solo stuff and studio work. I told him that I had been working that day on recording some meditation music for an affirmation video I was creating.

The thought also crossed my mind to tell him that I play at church a lot, but, at the time of writing this, it’s not with a band. Also, since I didn’t know this person very well, I wasn’t sure if mentioning that I am a Christian was an appropriate or helpful move. That affirmation video I was creating? I didn’t mention to him that it was a Christian affirmation video.

For a lot of people, being a Christian isn’t cool. Continue reading “Why Am I a Christian?”