Why Am I a Christian?

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If you’re a Christian, have you every thought about why you are a Christian? Have you ever asked yourself that question – why am I a Christian?

I was having a conversation with someone I had just met. In our first video conference they noticed all the guitars hanging on the wall behind me. They commented on what a nice studio I have and then asked if I play in any bands.

That struck a nerve with me, because all my life I’ve had these insecurities about not playing in a band. Sometimes it feels like you’re not a serious musician, or a respected musician, if you’re not playing in a band of some sort. Plus, sometimes it just feels like you’re missing out on a whole lot of fun!

I scrambled for things to say. I told him how I play in a jazz duo (and wanted to add that I do so every week, just to make myself sound more legitimate). I also mentioned that I do a lot of solo stuff and studio work. I told him that I had been working that day on recording some meditation music for an affirmation video I was creating.

The thought also crossed my mind to tell him that I play at church a lot, but, at the time of writing this, it’s not with a band. Also, since I didn’t know this person very well, I wasn’t sure if mentioning that I am a Christian was an appropriate or helpful move. That affirmation video I was creating? I didn’t mention to him that it was a Christian affirmation video.

For a lot of people, being a Christian isn’t cool. Continue reading “Why Am I a Christian?”

Psalm 119:1-8 Aleph – A Guided Relaxing Peaceful Meditation

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I’m starting a new series on reading the Psalms and adding my own relaxing peaceful meditation music as a background.

In this first of a series on Psalm 119, I am reading the first section entitled “Aleph” (first letter of the Hebrew alphabet), which is 8 verses.

For this series I will be using the World English Bible translation.

I think these short videos will be great for brief meditation breaks that will help center your mind, soul and spirit and God and the scriptures.

Continue reading “Psalm 119:1-8 Aleph – A Guided Relaxing Peaceful Meditation”