50 Affirmations for My Identity in Christ

Here are 50 affirmations to help you affirm your identity in Christ…

Before each phrase simply begin with the statement “I am…”

1. Created in God’s image
2. Unconditionally Loved
3. Abundantly Blessed
4. Redeemed, Covered & Cleansed
5. Washed, Forgiven & Saved
6. Reconciled & Made Righteous
7. Born again
8. A new creation
9. Hidden with Christ in God
10. Clothed with Christ
11. Seated with Christ in power
12. United with Christ
13. One with God
14. Set Free & Set apart
15. Spirit filled & Spirit led
16. Declared holy
17. Sanctified
18. A Saint
19. A royal priest
20. Part of a holy nation
21. A member of God’s Royal family
22. A child of the most high God
23. A brother of King Jesus
24. A member of the Body of Christ
25. A temple of the Holy Spirit
26. An heir of the promise
27. A citizen of heaven
28. In the light
29. Awake & Informed
30. Alive, truly alive
31. Fulfilled & Victorious
32. Accepted, Appointed & Anointed
33. Poised & Prepared to do good works
34. Strong, Confident & Able
35. Empowered & Powerful
36. A world changer
37. An ambassador
38. An overcomer
39. Chosen
40. Adopted
41. Valued
42. Seen and Heard
43. Gifted
44. Enough
45. Worthy
46. A treasure
47. Secure
48. Anchored
49. Fully known & Understood
50. My true self

Click here to download a printable copy of these affirmations.