Everyone needs a little help with their self-esteem from time to time. Often times we don’t even know it!
You would think that Christians would have all the self-esteem they need. Unfortunately, our self-esteem can take a beating on a regular basis, and we can benefit from these powerful reminders from the scriptures of who we are and what we’re capable of in Christ.
These 21 Christian affirmations for self-esteem come with a handy scripture reference in most cases, to help you see the affirmation in its original biblical context.
I’ve also provided a link to a YouTube recording below, if you would like to listen to a guided walk through of the affirmations.
Before you begin reciting these affirmations, you may find it helpful to take a deep cleansing breath. As you recite them, declare them powerfully with conviction.
- I am created in the image of God, the image of perfection
(Genesis 1:27) - I am created to rule over God’s creation
(Genesis 1:26) - I am crowned with glory and honor
(Psalm 8:5) - I have a lot to offer
(1 Peter 4:10) - I can overcome any obstacle with God
(Psalm 18:29) - It’s okay to feel weak. When I’m weak, then I’m strong
(2 Corinthians 12:10) - I am strong in the Lord and in his incredible power
(Ephesians 6:10) - I can do all things through him who gives me strength
(Philippians 4:13) - I have a spirit of power, love and self-discipline
(2 Timothy 1:7) - The Spirit at work within me is greater than the spirit in the world
(1 John 4:4) - I am deeply loved for who I am and not what I do
(Romans 5:8) - I am incredibly valuable because Jesus gave his life for me
(Galatians 1:4) - I am more valuable than a whole flock of sparrows
(Matthew 10:31) - Jesus declares me righteous and redeemed
(2 Corinthians 5:21, Colossians 1:13–14) - Jesus is not ashamed of me
(Hebrews 2:11) - I am so special to God, he even knows how many hairs I have
(Matthew 10:30) - I am highly favored
(Psalm 5:12) - I am a royal priest
(1 Peter 2:9) - I am a member of God’s royal family
(Ephesians 2:19) - I love and respect myself for who I am right now
(Mark 12:31) - I am the only me there is
(Jeremiah 1:5)
Listen to all the Christian Affirmation recordings on my YouTube channel!
Great affirmations. Thanks for putting them up
You’re welcome! Thanks for the comment!
I’m so grateful for these affirmations. I’ve been struggling with terrible self-esteem and doubting if I’m loved. I’ve had a hard time with people in my life criticizing me. I also self-criticize and even self-harmed physically recently. I see the right medical doctors for these issues. I’m grateful for the list you put together which fills my heart with hope and love. Thank you
Thanks so much Nick! I’m glad to hear that you found these helpful. God bless.
Hello Steve.
Thanks so much for this incredible powerful affirmations.I’ve started to read& listen to them as from today for 21days but will recite on it continuously. It gave me self-worth .
Million thanks
The Lord knows that I am a little confused.
Diagnosed with PN as well as ovarian cancer and decided to pass on treatment and rely on prayer…wish me luck!
The Lord knows that I am a little confused.
Diagnosed with PN as well as ovarian cancer and decided to pass on treatment and rely on prayer…wish me luck!
I’m not sure if I should get it
Sounds like a tough situation Harrietta. May you find peace in your decision, and may God bless your healing process!